Rating: 5 Aleatha’d Stars

The moment I read REIGN and ALEATHA ROMIG on the same cover, I said: I NEED TO READ IT RIGHT NOW!! And oh boy, how right I was about that feeling. 

RUTHLESS REIGN is fantastic. It has everything I love in a book: An great plot, plot twist after plot twist, an amazing development of characters, not only the main ones but also the secondary ones, an increasing sexual tension within the story, and within the interactions of the characters and the royal theme! Oh, how I love a royal story.  

I don’t want to tell anything about the story, there’s enough information in the blurb to know enough about it, but I will say this: Get ready to be Aleatha’d by the end of this book. The cliffhanger is HUGE!! But so worth it. 

I highly recommend RUTHLESS REIGN.

In this bedchamber, with her hair tousled and blotches of pink on her skin, she was simply breathtaking, stunning, and captivating.


Get your copy now on Amazon.

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